Hazen Lake | Hazen Lake | World Lake Database (2024)


A view on the lake

Hazen Lake | Hazen Lake | World Lake Database (1)
Photo: L. Johnson


Northwest Territories, Canada.
81:0-81:5N, 68:7-73:0W; 158 m above sea level.


Lake Hazen, the largest lake in the world entirelynorth of the Arctic Circle (66¡¦0'N), is situated at the northern end ofEllesmere Island, the largest and most northerly of the Queen ElizabethIslands (1). The lake was first discovered by the Inuit. In modern timesit was first discovered in 1882 by Adolphus Greely during his explorationof the region during 1881-1983 (2). Greely established a base at Fort Conger(81¡¦4'N) as part of the first International Geophysical Year (IGY). Duringthe spring of 1882 he explored Conybeare and Chandler Fjords, moving upthe Ruggles River to Lake Hazen. Greely, a signals officer in the U.S.Army, named the lake after his superior, William Babco*ck Hazen, the chiefsignals officer who had been responsible for the dispatch of the expedition.
In an earlier period the region had been occupiedby Inuit of the Dorset culture, up to about 1200 A. D., but the area wasabandoned following the climatic deterioration that began about this time(3) coincident with the spread of the more recent Thule culture.
Lake Hazen is situated on the Palaeozoic rocksof the Hazen Plateau of the Eureka Uplands (4, 5, 6). North of the lakethe Hazen Fault Zone forms the boundary of the Grant Land Mountains. Thesemountains are largely covered by ice although nunataks (a hill or mountaincompletely surrounded by glacial ice) rise above the permanent ice-fieldsto heights up to 2,500 m. The icefields feed valley glaciers flowing southwardto the Hazen Plateau, the melting of which in summer, primarily the HenriettaNesmith and the Gilmour Glaciers, forms the major source of water for thelake.
Most of the information on Lake Hazen is derivedfrom the results of a further IGY expedition in 1957-58 (1). In additionto geophysical and meteorological (7, 8) observations, investigations onthe surrounding vegetation (9) and its susceptibility to disturbance (10),the lake fauna (11, 12) and the limnology were carried out. A bibliographyof Lake Hazen region was prepared by the members of the IGY team (13).Unfortunately, the limnologist of the expedition, Dr. R. E. Deane, wasdrowned in a boating accident in southern Canada shortly after his return,thus precluding presentation of the full results.
The region around Lake Hazen functions as a "thermaloasis" in a true polar desert, the Lake Hazen Fault Zone functioning asa gigantic solar receiver while Lake Hazen itself augments this effect(7). Air temperatures frequently rise to 10-13¡¦between June 1 and August10 although the lake itself remains ice-covered in all but the warmestyears (8). Greely (2) reported a shade temperature of 23¡¦one afternoonin June 1882. The area is extremely dry experiencing only about 25 mm ofprecipitation annually.
The only fish species present, the anadromousarctic charr Salvelinus alpinus, maintains a sizeable population recognizableas distinct anadromous (migratory) and non-anadromous forms (14). Theseare the most northerly stock of charr in North America, possibly in thewhole world. In recent years a small sport-fishing camp has been operatingon the lake, serviced out of Resolute Bay. In 1983 the region was giventhe protective status of a National Park (5).


    Surface area [km2]542
    Maximum depth [m]280
    Water levelUnregulated
    Normal range of annual water
    level fluctuation [m]1.4*
    Length of shoreline [km]185
    * 142.3 cm water level rose for 6-8 December 1962.


Sketch map: Fig. NAM-32-01.
Names of main islands: John's.
Number of outflowing rivers and channels (name): 1 (Ruggles R.).

    Hazen Lake | Hazen Lake | World Lake Database (2)

    Fig. NAM-32-01
    Sketch map of the lake (Q).

Climatic data at Hazen Camp, 1958-1963 (8)
Mean temp. [deg C]

    JunJul1-15 Aug
    Annual precipitation [mm]: 23 (2-19, 1 June-15 August).

    Hazen Lake | Hazen Lake | World Lake Database (3)

    Hazen Lake | Hazen Lake | World Lake Database (4)

    Seasonal change of temperature [deg C](Q).


Number of hours of bright sunshine
Hazen Camp: Circa 2,200 hr yr-1.
Alert: Circa 1,700 hr yr-1.
Solar radiation (Alert)[MJ m-2 day-1](8a)


Water temperature [deg C](10)
1957-1962: <3¡¦ Most years ice does not clear completely.
Freezing period: Throughout the year.
1957 Ice-free by 3 August, frozen by 26 September.
1958 East half ice-free, west half 40% covered on 20 August and nightfreezing occurring.
1959 90% ice cover on 24 August.
1960 Well-developed shore lead on 12 June, ice-free on 29 August and24 September.
1961 70% ice cover on 21 August.
Mixing type: Monomictic and Polar.
Notes on water mixing and thermocline formation
Although detailed observations are not available the lake has remainedpermanently ice covered in some years (amictic) while in others iceoutoccurs in late August (monomictic).


Deep water, 1958
Clear in spring, turbid during melt season owing to turbid inflow frommelting glaciers. In August: turbid water, Secchi disc 1.7 m; clear water,Secchi disc 8.3 m.
E4 DO [mg l-1](10)
Deep water, 1958
All samples taken under ice except those of August.

    8.714.5314.5814.24-13.3612.64 -
    34.9-13.24--12.5712.57 -


Emerged macrophytes: None.
Floating macrophytes: None.
Submerged macrophytes: None.
"Virtually no plankton in net hauls at any date" (10). "But dark foodwas found in the guts of copepods collected on June 14 and 18, 1958 butnever thereafter. The high oxygen values in mid-June even super-saturatednear the surface are also certainly the result of plant production" (10).
Zooplankton (10)
Cyclops scutifer, Keratella hiemalis (<1% less common than C. scutifer,K. cochlearis (very rare), Daphnia middendorffiana (single specimen). Estimatedstanding crop and production in dry weight of Cyclops scutifer

    Standing CropProduction
    Datemg m-2Periodmg m-2 day-1
    June 18160June 18-July 50.20
    July 555July 5-July 242.25
    July 24148
    August 1023July 24-Aug. 10-110.65
    August 1168

    Hazen Lake | Hazen Lake | World Lake Database (5)

    Fig. NAM-32-03
    Vertical distribution of naupliar and copepodite stages of Cyclopsscutifer, Aug. 1958 (11).

Data on zooplankton collections in 1958 (11).

    *1 C. scutifer. *2 K. hiemalis. *3
    DateDepthNo.Vol.PortionNos. in
    ed [m3]sampledA*1B*2
    Vertical and lique series
    Jun 14135-02 vert.1.820.607632
    Jun 1332-02 vert.0.300.478132
    Jul 4135-02 vert.1.900.415058
    Jul 532-02 vert.0.320.472092
    Jul 2432-01 obl.0.430.536843
    Aug 1032-01 obl.0.480.531946
    Aug 1132-01 obl.0.900.4574710
    Horizontal hauls in shore lead
    July 241-41.670.046700
    Horizontal hauls to show vertical distribution
    Aug 1012.240.52681
    Aug 1031.480.27620
    Aug 1051.380.183007
    Aug 10101.570.182444
    Aug 10151.380.201890
    Aug 10241.190.303692
    Aug 10321.600.552121
    Est. no*No. stages of C. scutifer in random aliquots
    Vertical and lique series
    Horizontal hauls in shore lead
    Horizontal hauls to show vertical distribution

*1 It is assumed as shown by the series on August 10, that most animalsare in the upper waters and that both the shallow (32.0 m) and deep (135-0)vertical hauls sampled the entire population. The results explained asmembers per square meter do not suggest otherwise. *2 Adults. *3 A fewadults removed from the whole samples and identified by Dr. E.B. Reed.Benthos (12) Libertia sp., Hydroporus polaris, Apatania zonella, Rademasp., Tipula arctica, Dactylolabis sp., Protantypus caudatus, Pseudodiamesaartica, D. simplex, Psectrocladius barbatimanus, Prosmittia nanseni, Paraphaenocladiusdespectus, Chironomus sp., Procladius sp., Abiskomyia sp., Corynoneurasp., Heterotrissocladius subpilosus, Hydrobaenus fusistylus, Limnophyesglobifer, Oliveridia tricornis, Orthocladius charensis, O. lapponicus,O. mixtus, Paracladius quadrindosus, Parakiefferiella sp., Zalutschia trigonacies,Micropsectra sp., Tanytarsus sp., Forcipomyia sp., Ceratopogon sp., Culicoidessp., Helophilus borealis, Metasyrphus chillcolti. Supplementary notes onthe biota Two stocks of arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) exist; 1) a non.anadromousstock and 2) an anadromous stock migrating down Ruggles River to Lady FranklinBay.

    Hazen Lake | Hazen Lake | World Lake Database (6)

    Fig. NAM-32-04
    Fish catch and size distribution of Salvelinus alpinus.

F3 PRIMARY PRODUCTION RATE (10) Primary production is very low,just within the lower detection limits of the 14C method. July-August mean= 39 mg C m-3 day-1, range was 0-193 mg C m-3 day-1. The negative 14C results(August) can only be taken to indicate very low, unmeasurable primary production.

    DateDepth [m]C in mg m-2 dayComments
    18-19 Jul1.559In narrow lead off camp.
    2.556Max. depth ca. 3 m
    9-10 Aug0.231
    10-11 Aug0.216

All experiments were carried out in 300 B. 0. D. bottles, suspended for24 hrs on clear days (24-hr daylight). Collections made with aluminum sampler.Oxygen determined by winkler method and gross carbon (C) production estimatedusing A. P. Q. of 1.25 (10). Char Lake (Cornwallis Island, latitude 74°Ëphytoplankton mean daily primary productivity was 2.3 mg C m-2 day-1 (15).Converting the Hazen Lake mean 39 mg C m-3 day-1 to aerial units assuminga 20 m deep photic zone (Secchi = 8.3 m in clear water) gives 2 mg C m-2day-1 which is only sightly lower than the much smaller Char Lake (10).
F5 FISHERY PRODUCTS Annual fish catch 1984 Limited sport fishery;fishery production trends are unknown as the Hazen Lake fishery has onlyrecently started operation.



    Area [%]
    Natural landscape
    Herbaceous vegetation*110
    *1 Tundra. *2 Blue ground including ice. Virtually all inflow originatesin the ice field to the northwest.

Types of important forest or scrub vegetation: None. Types of importantherbaceous vegetation (9) Dryas hummocks, Dryas-Kobresia tundra, Dryas-Salixtundra, marshes and sedge meadows. Main kinds of crops and/or croppingsystems: None. Trends of change in land use in recent years: None.


H1 LAKE UTILIZATION Source of water and recreation (sport-fishing).


I1 ENHANCED SILTATION Natural siltation from spring runoff and ice-outcauses Secchi transparency to fall from 8.3 m to 1.7 m (10).
I4 ACIDIFICATION Extent of damage: None.



    a) Pristine lake environment.


Small sport-fishing camp in recent years. Region given protective statusof a National Park in 1983.


  1. Questionnaire filled by Dr. L. Johnson, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans,Freshwater Institute, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
  2. Hattersley-Smith, G. (1974) North of Latitude Eighty. Defence ResearchBoard, Ottawa.
  3. Greely, A. W. (1866) Three Years of Arctic Service. An Account of the LadyFranklin Bay Expedition of 1881-1884, 2 vols. New York.
  4. Bandi, Hans-Georg. (1968) Eskimo Pre-history. University of Alaska Press,College, Alaska.
  5. Douglas, R. J. W. (ed.). Physiographic Regions of Canada. Geol. and EconomicMinerals of Canada, vol. II. Geological Survey, Dept. of Energy, Minesand Resources, Ottawa.
  6. England, J. (1981) Northern Ellesmere Island: A Natural Resource Inventory.Parks Canada, Edmonton (see also Northern Perspectives, 10: 2- 9. CanadianArctic Resources Committee).
  7. Christie, R. L. (1962) Northern Ellesmere Island, District of Franklin.Geol. Surv. Can. Paper, 62-10.
  8. Jackson, C. I. (1959) The meteorology of Lake Hazen, N. W. T. Analysisof the Observations. Arctic Met. Res. Group, McGill University, Montreal,Publ. 15. Defence Research Board, Ottawa.
  9. Harrington, C. R. (1960) A Short Report of the Ice and Snow Conditionson Lake Hazen. Winter 1957-58. Defence Research Board, Ottawa.
  10. ) Canadian Climate Normals, 1951-1980. Environment Canada, AtmosphericEnvironment Service.
  11. Saville, D. B. 0. (1964) General ecology and vascular plants of the HazenCamp area. Arctic, 17: 237-255.
  12. Babb, T. A. & Bliss, L. C. (1974) Susceptibility to environmental impactin the Queen Elizabeth Islands. Arctic, 27: 234-236.
  13. McLaren, I. A. (1964) Zooplankton of Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Island, anda nearby pond with special reference to the Copepod Cyclops scutifer Sars.Can. J. Zool., 42: 613-629.
  14. Oliver, D. R. (1963) Entomological studies in the Lake Hazen area, EllesmereIsland, including lists of species of arachnida, collembola and insecta.Arctic, 16: 175-180.
  15. Defence Research Board of Canada. Bibliography of Operation "Hazen" 1957-1963.
  16. Johnson, L. (1983) Homeostatic mechanisms in single species arctic fishpopulations. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 40: 987-1024.
  17. Kalff, J. & Welch, H. E. (1974) Phytoplankton production in Char Lake,a natural polar lake, and in Meretta Lake, a polluted polar lake. CornwallisIsland, Northwest Territories. J. Fish. Res. Board Can., 31(5): 621-636.
Hazen Lake | Hazen Lake | World Lake Database (2024)


How deep is Lake Hazen? ›

Lake Hazen has a maximum depth of 267 m10, a surface area of 540 km2 and a catchment area of 6860 km211. The NW half of its catchment is extensively glaciated, while the Hazen Plateau characterized by polar desert tundra lies to the SE.

Are there fish in Lake Hazen? ›

The only fish species present, the anadromous arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus, maintains a sizeable population recognizable as distinct anadromous (migratory) and non-anadromous forms (14). These are the most northerly stock of charr in North America, possibly in the whole world.

What is the climate in Lake Hazen? ›

The area around the lake is a thermal oasis within a polar desert, with summer temperatures up to 20 °C (68 °F). The lake itself is covered by ice about ten months a year.

What is the largest lake in the United States a single lake not multiple lakes grouped together? ›

List of largest lakes of the United States by area
1Lake Superior31,700 sq mi
2Lake Huron23,000 sq mi
3Lake Michigan22,300 sq mi
4Lake Erie9,910 sq mi
75 more rows

What is the deepest lake in the US? ›

At 1,943 feet (592 meters), Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United States and one of the deepest in the world.

What is the second deepest lake in the world? ›

Lake Tanganyika is the second deepest lake in the world. It is about 1,436 m deep.

What is the warmest zone of lake? ›

The euphotic zone has two subzones: Littoral zone refers to the nearshore area that is the shallow and warmest part of the lake where sunlight penetrates all the way to the bottom sediments and allows rooted aquatic plants, or macrophytes, and attached algae to grow.

Which world's largest high Arctic lake responds rapidly to climate warming? ›

Scientists surprised by Lake Hazen's rapid response to climate change. A 1 C increase in temperature has set off a chain of events disrupting the entire ecology of the world's largest High Arctic lake.

What is Lake of the Woods water temperature? ›

Access the latest and most accurate water temperature data for Lake of the Woods. Currently the water temperature is 77º Fahrenheit.

What state has over 1000 lakes? ›

The slogan “Land of a Thousand Lakes” seems to imply Minnesota smokes the other 49 states when it comes to the number of lakes. Alaska, however, is the runaway lake king with more than three million.

What lake touches 3 states? ›

Lake Superior is the largest of all five Great Lakes, bordering on Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Over 85 million people live in the Great Lakes Region, in some of the biggest cities including New York, Chicago, and Milwaukee, and Toronto in Canada.

What state has 3 million lakes? ›

#1: Alaska Lakes (3,000,000)

Alaska is home to more than 3 million lakes, covering over 5 percent of the state's total land area.

How deep is the deepest part of Carters Lake? ›

Carters Lake has an average depth of 200 feet (61 m) and a maximum depth of 450 feet (140 m).

What is the deepest alpine lake in the world? ›

Lake Baikal (5,315 feet [1,620 meters])

Russia: Baikal, LakeLake Baikal, Russia.

What is the deepest lake in Chain O lakes? ›

two northernmost and deepest lakes in the Chain of Lakes system are Channel Lake and Lake Catherine. Channel Lake is connected to Lake Marie at two locations (Figure 1). Depths were measured at four cross sections in 1975. ...

What is the deepest lake on Vancouver Island? ›

Nimpkish Lake, with 320 meters (1,050 feet) depth, is the deepest lake on Vancouver Island.

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